Vid Blanco

Vid Blanco, Southampton

Tattoos Vid Blanco

Tattoo Gallery - random

Skeleton of the dragon tattoo

6 years ago

Geisha tattoo

6 years ago

Skull tattoo

6 years ago

Terminator t 800 tattoo

6 years ago

Wild girl tattoo

6 years ago

Lich king dragon tattoo

6 years ago

Skull rose tattoo

6 years ago

Birth of venus tattoo

6 years ago

Girl with sunglass tattoo

6 years ago

Muerte tattoo

6 years ago

Melting gold skull tattoo

6 years ago

Clock with smoke tattoo

6 years ago

Vendetta mask tattoo

6 years ago

Angel tattoo

6 years ago

Rose tattoo

6 years ago

Gold skull tattoo

6 years ago

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