Sergey Hoff

Sergey Hoff, Piatigorsk

Photos Sergey Hoff

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Tiger tattoo

5 years ago

Red flower tattoo

5 years ago

Clock and eye tattoo

5 years ago

World cup trophy tattoo

5 years ago

C 3po tattoo

5 years ago

Siberian husky tattoo

5 years ago

Wild poppy tattoo

5 years ago

Buddha with lotus flower tattoo

5 years ago

Deadpool tattoo

5 years ago

Flamingo tattoo

6 years ago

Loki tattoo

6 years ago

Mad hatter tattoo

6 years ago

Hedgehog tattoo

6 years ago

Leonardo dicaprio tattoo

6 years ago

R2 d2 tattoo

6 years ago

Eye tattoo

6 years ago

Pink rose tattoo

6 years ago

Zebra tattoo

6 years ago

Tarantula tattoo

6 years ago

Owl and wolf tattoo

6 years ago

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