Sam Ricketts

Photos Sam Ricketts

All Photos - 2

Traditional nautical tattoo

8 years ago

A skull in a flower tattoo

8 years ago

Flower tattoo

8 years ago

Ripper tattoo

8 years ago

Traditional tattoo

8 years ago

Ghost with scythe tattoo

8 years ago

Horseshoe and flowers tattoo

8 years ago

Woman tattoo

8 years ago

Bird tattoo

8 years ago

Sailors grave tattoo

8 years ago

Pelican tattoo

8 years ago

Ship with anchor tattoo

8 years ago

Woman with flowers tattoo

8 years ago

Traditional nautical tattoo

8 years ago

Sailor man tattoo

8 years ago

Woman with rose tattoo

8 years ago

Flower tattoo

8 years ago

Flower in a glass tattoo

8 years ago

Rose tattoo

8 years ago

Sandglass tattoo

8 years ago

Knight tattoo

8 years ago

Jellyfish tattoo

8 years ago

Scythe and flower tattoo

8 years ago

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